فَمَا يُكَذِّبُكَ بَعْدُ بِالدِّينِ (7)
(95:7) Who, then, can give the lie to you, (O Prophet), about the Reward and the Punishment? *6
*6) Another translation of this verse can be: "What can after this (O man ) make you deny the judgement ?" In both cases the intention and purpose remains the same. That is when it is a common observation in human society that a section of mankind which has been created in the best of moulds and nature, is rendered lowest of the low because of moral degradation, and the other section remains secure by adopting the path of constant faith and righteousness in view of its being created in the best of moulds and nature how can judgement be denied after this ? Does common sense require that the end of both these men be the same? Dces justice demand that neither those who are reduced to the lowest of the low be punished nor those who strive to adopt a righteous life be rewarded ? The same theme has been expressed at other places in the Qur'an thus: "Shall We then treat the obedient as We treat the culprits? What has happened to you: how ill you judge?" (AI-Qalam: 35, 36). "Do those who have committed evil think that We shall hold them and those who have believed and done righteous deeds as equal so that their Iife and their death should be alike ? IIl are the judgements they pass !" (Al-Jathiyah 21).